Call today to schedule a Consultation: (888) 419-9223 ext. 800
Protecting the Entertainment Industry, Content Creators, Content Owners, and Digital Content against the increasing sophistication of Attack Vectors
Digital Security Operation Center (DIgiSOC) is becoming the global leader in digital cyber security, providing comprehensive and proven solution suites to protect your website, web servers, web applications and digital assets. Security technologies from selective Industry-Leading Partnerships use a unique, predictive capability that is powered by Artificial Threat Intelligence, which enables TPN Vendors and Entertainment Businesses to stay one step ahead of the next wave of viruses, malware, and other online threats. A complete website security solution provides early detection, immediate remediation and proactive preventive measures.
Trusted By Over
50+ Organizations
10+ Countries
Use 100%
Innovative Technology
Tools & Products
Get real-time protection for business-critical databases from external, internal, and even intra-database exploits, all in a software-based offering.
DigiSOC currently in association with the Motion Picture Association has been approved as TPN Assessors and Consultants assisting TPN Vendors and Content Owners in securing Valuable digital content in alignment with the TPN+ Program.
Secure testing provides a comprehensive performance platform for quickly validating and optimizing web and mobile user experience from sophisticated internet
Try before your buy. Start your free product trial now.
Deploy, optimize, and manage your Shield products.
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I/O Host(s) Monitoring
24x7 SOC Monitoring
Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis
Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures
Enpoint XDR
Monthly External Vulnerability Scans
I/O Host(s) Monitoring
24x7 SOC Monitoring
Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis
Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures
Endpoint XDR
Monthly External Vulnerability Scans
Quarterly Internal Vulnerability Scans
(2) Annual External Penetration Test
Tier 3
I/O Host(s) Monitoring
24x7 SOC Monitoring
Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis
Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures
Endpoint XDR
Monthly External Vulnerability Scans
Quarterly Internal Vulnerability Scans
(2) Annual External Penetration Test
(*Up to 5 External Hosts)
Compliance Management
September 25, 2018
In an effort to help individuals who have been the victim of cybercrimes, insurance providers announced it will now include Personal Cybercrime coverage in its insurance policies.
August 18, 2018
Cybersecurity is a hot topic, not just in large enterprise and government organizations, but has now found its way to the kitchen table and is something we all have an opinion on.
August 5, 2018
The Healthcare industry by its very nature is populated with some amazing people who are devoted to those in need of physical and mental care.