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Cybersecurity Packages

Tier 1

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I/O Host(s) Monitoring

24x7 SOC Monitoring

Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis

Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures

Enpoint XDR

Monthly External Vulnerability Scans

Tier 2

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I/O Host(s) Monitoring

24x7 SOC Monitoring

Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis

Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures

Endpoint XDR

Monthly External Vulnerability Scans

Quarterly Internal Vulnerability Scans

(2) Annual External Penetration Test

Tier 3

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I/O Host(s) Monitoring

24x7 SOC Monitoring

Entertainment Industry Focused Threat Analysis

Custom Content Transfer Management Malware Detection Signatures

Endpoint XDR

Monthly External Vulnerability Scans

Quarterly Internal Vulnerability Scans

(2) Annual External Penetration Test

(*Up to 5 External Hosts)

Compliance Management

Advantages of DigiSOC Security Services

30-Day Guarantee

We guarantee full protection of you website.  We always stand behind our service period.

24/7 Live Assistance

Via 24/7 monitoring, we collect and analyze terabytes of attack data, billions of bot requests, and hundreds of millions of IP addresses to solidify your defenses and keep you informed.

Easy Deployment

Shield cyber security solution is easy to use with any website, web application  or CMS platform regardless of size or purpose.

Need Assistance?

Ask about Shield solutions, implementation or anything else. Our security experts are standing by, ready to answer your questions.