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Digital Security Operations For Security-Conscious Organizations

Learn how to address specific security needs within your industry.

Shield Solutions

For Security-Conscious Organizations

Cloud-Based Solutions

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Cloud Security

Secure your private or public cloud with Shield

Cloud security is essential for the many users who are concerned about the safety of the data they store in the cloud. They believe their data is safer on their own local servers where they feel they have more control over the data. But data stored in the cloud may actually be more secure because cloud service providers have superior security measures and their employees are security experts. As the most scalable cloud security platform, Shield provides defense in depth with our adaptive threat protection, helping you evolve toward a zero trust architecture and protecting you from the largest and most sophisticated attacks.


Technology that makes the cloud the most secure environment for business:

  • Credential misuse detection
  • Geo-infeasibility detection
  • Cloud intelligence
  • Cloud configuration analytics
  • VPN compromised account detection

Financial Services Security

Protect your client's assets with Shield cyber security solutions

The financial services industry remains among the most targeted industrial sectors. From banks to brokerages, threat actors target financial institutions to steal your employee, customer and business data. Leveraging new cloud security, machine learning, and user behavior monitoring technologies, Shield Company is working to drive security integration, simplification, and streamlined management for financial services firms of all sizes.


Shield solution for financial services security:

  • Email security
  • Cloud security
  • User behavior analytics
  • Simplified and flexible management
  • Data protected and GDPR